
I woke just before the sun rose over the pines that line our dead end road.  It was Mike's night to stoke the fire and it's always a little cold on his mornings.  He likes it that way.  I let him sleep while I feed another log to Calcifer.  With my chair pulled up close to the stove's belly and the percolator on top, I read and knit a few rounds.  It takes almost two hours before the dark roast starts to perk, but I don't mind.  I enjoy the quiet moments of solitude in our tiny house.  One by one, the rising scent of fresh perked coffee wakes my sleeping babes and so begins the day.


  1. I love that you refer to your hearth as Calcifer...

  2. That's my kind of early morning - percolator looks like it's seen some brews in it's time. Hope the rest of your day was as beautiful as the start.

    1. Thanks, Emma. We found the percolator at an antique store, so I'm sure it's seen many good mornings!

  3. Love your pottery mug - my beloved broke recently and haven't found a replacement yet - love the images of the wood stove and the coffee.

    1. Oh, no! It's heart braking, isn't it? I have one like that, too. This one was a mug I found at the thrift store for a quarter.

  4. That sounds like a fantastic way to embark on a new day. My dad used a percolator like that for close to five decades anytime he (and then we) went camping. He gave it to me recently as he feels he's too old for many more adventures. Old pieces sure hold great memories.

    1. ...especially when you get to hear the stories about the memories!
