Planting Seeds

Mike, the boys and I sat around the kitchen table, listening to the melting snow pour off the roof.  It was loud, even with the windows shut.  "Just think of all the water we could be collecting," Mike and I mentioned to each other.  Most of our conversations turn this direction lately, consumed with all matters of homesteading....

Getting the seeds started is at the top of our to do list.  Firstly, because it's fun to play in the dirt when there's still three feet of snow in our front yard (six feet, if you count the end of the driveway). Secondly, our garden app is telling us it's time.  I love this tool, especially as a beginner.  It gives me visual lists and charts of everything we're going to plant and plenty of space for notes.  I can layout the garden on a grid and it tells me just exactly how much room I need for each plant, along with any companion plants I could put around it.  It's been so much more helpful than the dozens of scrap paper notes I have laying around. This is probably the first time I've ever chosen an electronic device over traditional pen and paper. (Even my blog posts are initially written by hand.)  Creating a garden to feed all five of us, for the whole year, is a huge undertaking and this makes me feel so much more focused on getting and keeping everything in order. 

This week, we're starting green, white, and yellow onions, shallots, and chives.  We managed to plant about 120 of the 650 seeds before we ran out of the organic seed starter.  Lesson learned #1:  It's going to take A LOT more seed starter that we realized, and I'm hoping to find bags in larger quantity or maybe even mix my own.  Do you mix your own and have a favorite recipe to share? 

Oh, I almost forgot.  The gadget we're using is called a soil blocker.  It was recommended by Amanda a few years ago and I have to say that so far, we're all liking it.  We can get about 40 - two inch cubes in our recycled trays.

p.s.  We aren't affiliated with any of the products listed here, we just really like them a lot and thought you might too.

p.s.s. Mike ordered our chickens, turkeys and guinea hens, to be delivered May 28th.  Eeek!


  1. So exciting!

    I am a big fan of Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew. Russia uses the SFG method to feed about 50% of their population!

    I use the mix recipe found on this page:
    I had a robust, healthy, early crop last year with this mixture, I will never use anything else again!

    I can't wait to see how this year unfolds for you guys! What a dream you are living. :)

  2. Your first order of chickens is an exciting time! I still haven't made up my mind if I want the hassle of bringing in some new chicks to the flock. I would really like my own eggs though...

  3. Wow - never seen a soil blocker before - what a clever gadget. We still have lot of snow on the ground too (we are at 3400 ft - what altitude are you?) but I have started seeds this week in my jiffy planter. Think I might try a cold frame also, just need to find a spot where the kids won't fall on/through it.
    Unfortunately we don't manage to produce enough to last us all year due to lack of space. Hope you manage grow enough for your family - what an amazingly satisfying thing to do.
    I'm currently making re-cycled newspaper (printed with vegetable ink) pots to replace the broken plastic ones in my planters. Popping over now to check out your garden app!
